storage boxes on boarded loft shelves

Can I extend my loft boarding if I get an extension?

Typically, when getting an extension for your home, the loft might either be an afterthought for some or a key focus. Whether you’ve already had your existing loft boarded or are waiting for your extension to be completed, there are a few parameters that need to be considered when thinking about the loft size.

The benefits of loft boarding

Loft boarding allows for the use of previously unusable space. The option to move a lot of your belongings into a location that may be more reserved for long-term storage is a benefit some may not be able to take advantage of. 

The products we offer ensure you’re able to make the most of your loft size whilst ensuring the safety and longevity of your insulation and roof beams. Our expertly designed raised loft boarding solution not only allows for additional storage in your home but also maximises airflow and reduces energy bills. The reason for this is the airflow allows for heat to regulate and reduce the loss of warm air through your roof.

Is planning permission required for expanding on existing loft boarding?

Depending on the level of work which needs to be carried out in your extension, planning permission may have to be explored. In some cases, you may not need planning permission. Confirmation will have to be obtained by the homeowner as to the plans and the work to be carried out. 

Luckily, the process of planning permission won’t need to be explored if you’re looking to install loft boarding. As the level of work is minimal and little to no amendments to the physical house will need to be carried out, you’re able to gain improved loft size with minimal hassle.

The process of expansion and when is best to fit the boards

Typically, it is best to fit the loft boards once the loft space is ready. If you’re expanding the loft size that boarding will need to cover, completion of the extension should then trigger the beginning of the boarding installation. Damaging of the loft boards themselves, or the mounts which they sit upon, could occur if the installation is started whilst continued building work is being carried out.

If you knowingly want to install loft boards into your new loft space, it is suggested to plan ahead and include it in your overall extension plans. This way, knowing the amount of work needed as a whole and how many materials you’ll need won’t be a surprise.

At LoftZone, if overordering of materials does happen and your loft size has differed from the expected, we pride ourselves in offering the ability to return the materials and receive a refund – as long as they haven’t been used.

What to do if the space within your expanded loft is limited

As a homeowner, all decisions are yours and yours alone. This means the amount of your loft you’d like to have boarded is completely your decision. However, there are some recommendations we do suggest to stick to – no matter the loft size.

When looking to board your loft, it is suggested to allow for an adequate amount of headroom. This is purely down to health and safety reasoning as most homes have beams that could cause issues when passing through the loft space.

Ensuring you have a safe and ideal way to access your loft is essential. Different variations of ladders and the hatch itself should be identified and targeted if it will knowingly be a problem down the line. Orientation of the hatch and ladder can be discussed with our professionals. If replacement is needed, this can also be discussed. 

Box storage is a common use when a loft has been boarded. To ensure you use your space efficiently, a shelving solution could be explored and considered within the original plans if need be.

Get in touch for more information

If boarding your loft is something you’re looking to achieve in the future, once your extension has been completed, feel free to get in touch. We’ll be able to suggest the ideal form of loft boarding and can cater to the loft size and amount of storage which you’re looking to achieve.

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