LED loft lighting strip

How To Install LED Loft Lights

To get the most out of your loft, it is essential to install easy-access lighting so you can navigate your space safely and effectively. However, loft lighting is not always easy to install, with a few options available, including LED loft lights, natural lighting, and more, which we cover in more detail below.

Continue reading this article to learn more about the different loft lighting options available, the importance of having an adequately lit loft, and why we recommend LED loft lights to all our customers.

Different options for loft lighting

Sure, you could fumble around in the dark, feeling out for what you’re after, using your phone’s torch to guide you around while trying to avoid hitting your head or knocking over items. As experts in all things loft storage and access, we have compiled a list of more permanent lighting choices below that may be more suitable candidates:

  • Natural Lighting
  • Bulb and switch
  • Mains-wired Strip Lighting (fluorescent or LED)
  • Battery-powered lights (usually LED these days)

All of these options provide their own individual benefits, but arguably the most effective, efficient and easy-to-install choice is LED loft lights, providing a bright and eco-friendly solution to your lighting needs.

For more information on the loft lighting options available to you or to learn more about LED loft lighting options, contact our team now.

Why do you need loft lighting?

On top of making it quicker and easier to find what you need, having a loft light makes the space more appealing and friendly, removing that spooky vibe that puts many people off from using their loft space.

Additionally, the instalment of adequate loft lighting will simplify many common issues people experience within their loft each day, including animal infestations, mould or leaks.

As well as this, proper loft lighting can help prevent the risk of injuring yourself on some of the hazards lofts tend to have, such as falling through the insulation, tripping over plumbing, or getting splinters from timber supports and joists.

At LoftZone, we understand the daunting task of having to wire a light and switch in your loft might be off-putting, but thankfully, it’s not the only option. People looking for a straightforward solution can instead invest in an LED loft light, which can be easily applied to timber frames using the adhesive strip on its back, or they also have a magnetic strip that you can place on the hatch entrance or shelving.

Despite its compact size, a single LED loft Light strip can illuminate an area of 340x25mm, emitting 350 lumens of light equivalent to a 35-watt incandescent bulb. While this is enough to see where you are walking in your loft with ease – we recommend buying several to have the same brightness as the main light in any other room of your home.

The Benefits of Installing LED loft Lights

As well as the advantages we have discussed above, there are a host of additional benefits you will notice when installing LED loft lights within your space, which include:

  • For those looking for a DIY alternative to the more difficult and likely expensive option of paying a professional to wire a loft light, these cost-effective LED loft lights are a much simpler and quicker way to fit cosy lighting into your loft. 
  • There is no need for wiring or cables, so the compact light helps retain the loft’s visual aesthetic as it can be neatly tucked away into the rafters using its handy adhesive strip. 
  • LED lights last longer and offer comparable or better light quality than other types of lighting. Not to mention, they are the most energy-efficient light currently available, helping you to save money on your electricity bill.
  • As well as being better for the planet, LED lights are also incredibly efficient, with a ten-hour battery life of continuous light.
  • Simply recharge the lights using the USB cable which comes provided.

The LED Loft Light also offers more control than standard loft bulbs, as you can set the light’s brightness and colour temperature to meet your requirements. Furthermore, If you only use your loft to store goods and infrequently make trips for short periods to retrieve them, this ten-hour lifespan could last you a very long time before needing recharging.

Our LED loft light is motion-sensing, coming on automatically when you enter the loft and will switch off after 20 seconds of not detecting movement. This results in no need for any manual interaction, like going back up and switching off the light after getting your boxes down; instead, you can simply leave the loft and put the ladder up.

Illuminate the dark corners of your loft and help make the most of its space by getting your LED Loft Light today!

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